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Trash to Treasure Tuesday - A Fall Welcome


Follow the brick bath lined with Cabbage, ghost pumpkins and pansys

Take your time to stop and smell the vanilla smelling purple hellibore, then take a seat to watch the beautiful sunset


Ready to come inside? 

So the reason this is trash to treasure is that this really was a pretty big makeover. I just simply didn't take before pictures :). My front door was PURPLE! It's been that way since we moved in - I've always hated it but never got around to changing it. It's been in the plan a very long time. In fact I ordered these vinyl numbers almost 2 years ago! However life got crazy and we were looking at moving so we weren't putting any effort into the outside. I had also picked up a can of oops paint for the job some time ago as well. So on that went then the vinyl numbers and finally to top it all off a beautiful fall harvest "wreath". Which I will show you soon how I put together! 

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